Twelve years already since, a little freaked out and alone, I drove to Groves Memorial Hospital in Fergus and had this crazy kid.
Twelve years of watching him interact with the world and figure out how he can influence it more than it influences him.
Twelve years of seeing him master his body and use it to perform feats which have often stopped my heart and started my mouth to yelling.
Twelve years of getting to say good morning and goodnight and wipe that look off your face before I do it for you.
Twelve years of laughter and tears and love and pain which has sometimes engulfed him but has never broken him.
Twelve years of noting who he looks up to and why.
Twelve years of wondering which bone he will break next and how.
Twelve years of being grateful that I didn't crash my car on the way to the hospital.
Happy Birthday young man, let's see if we can get you to thirteen intact!