Inside my head
I repeat the nasty
things I heard you say.
Allow them to echo
through the corridors of
who I am.
I know it's the same thing
as repeatedly stabbing myself with
your sword, I somehow
cannot stop myself
even as it tears holes
in the central core
of my being.
With every reverberation
I convince me
that I am getting stronger.
I rearrange the words
searching for the one which
holds the key to their power
then dismantle
until it is a pile of useless
letters strewn across
my heart.
Breathless, I pick through
the tender landscape of myself.
I match each letter I encounter
with something loving, something kind, something
then use the new word
to plug a hole.
When I am done I sit back
and see that I am
unmistakably me yet also
stronger and free.
- Vera