It's hard to imagine now but there were days I wasn't sure we were both going to make it to your third, fourth or fifth birthday but here you are, 19 and we are both still going strong.
As many days as there have been when I wanted to strangle you, there have been so many more that I have been so grateful that I didn't. Not just because of the jail time, but because of the young lady you are.
In spite of the homeschooling that many thought would ruin your chances at a future, you survived the transition from home to dorm life, made a boatload of new friends, made it through your first illness without me and managed not to spend every penny you had. Thank you for the countless phone calls you made home as you walked across campus from one class to another.
Year two brings new excitement with your first apartment and room mate. With so many of your friends renting in the same building living off campus will have many advantages of last year. Cooking for yourself should be interesting. I'm glad you know how and I hope you stay motivated to do it well.
Now that you can legally drink, I hope you never try to find yourself at the top or the bottom of any bottle. I pray that whether marijuana becomes legal or not you remember that your body and brain are better off without them.
I am honoured that you invited me to share a Birthday Brunch with you. I suspect that as time moves forward I will begin missing more and more of your ordinary moments which has made this summer that much sweeter. I hope I am always invited to be for the big things.
You love well, I'm glad you at least learned that along the way. Your friendship with Abby has been almost as long as your life and I'm glad to see that it continues. Two years with Vincent hasn't changed you much. I am happy to know he treats you well and, as always, will be watching to ensure that continues.
Advice for year nineteen... Feel pain when it comes to you. Work your way through it. I promise that no matter how deep the hole you fall in I will be madly shovelling with all my tools to extricate you but even if I drop a rope, only you can choose to grab onto it.
My heart made yours to love. If you do nothing other than that you make me proud.
Happy 19th kiddo.