Thursday, 25 September 2014

It's a Plant's Life

Time for another confession?  Why not!

I took this picture during my bike ride yesterday.  I said I was going to leave my phone behind but I'm glad I pocketed it - ringer totally off - just because I was able to capture this.

It took only a moment to notice and an equally infinitesimal amount of time to record, yet it stayed vibrant in my minds eye, begging the question:

                       "Do you use all the resources in your life to grow where you've been planted?"

Disappointingly my honest answer has to be no.  I have to acknowledge that, metaphorically, there are times when I am so focussed on the lack of sunshine that I absolutely and consciously refuse to acknowledge the water pooling at my roots, begging me to absorb and utilize it to my highest order. Simply put, if I were this plant, I would be dead!

I imagine that's the beauty of a plant.  it doesn't get distracted from its essential existence...doesn't have to consider the plants around it...doesn't have to even seek out that which sustains it. It simply and intuitively leans into the light, grows roots to the moisture and draws nutrients from the soil and BREATHES.

My lesson?

Be a plant.  Feed my life.  Lean into the warm moments. Consume proper nutrients, DRINK lots of water and BREATHE!

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